Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pure Laziness and a New TRail

I put up the last post out of sheer laziness and because I am all for reusing some of our existing structures for new use in any way possible . I mean don't we have just about enough roads and buildings already ? I've always thought that there should be someway to reuse some of the buildings that fall derelict instead of becoming centers for crime and disease . Lots of homes already around too , why not refurbish and get some of these so called craftsmen back to work instead of little boxes on the hillside all made out of tick-tacky and all looking just the same ?
Finally found the trail I've been searching for back to the foothills of the Chiricahuas , not a trail for your brand new hot looking SUV , but the old Trooper handled it well . A rough bit of desert travel ,but should prove to be handy if we get some folks that want to see what traveling out here was like 50 years ago . It was fun for me and expect I'll be out there again tomorrow , can't get enough of the wild country .
Not a lot to relate but took a couple of pictures in the evening , sun is moving more towards the southwest as winter / fall is coming , the colors and light is a lot different than summer and the air is cooler and clear as far as you can see. Makes for some good pictures .
Stay tuned .......


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