Saturday, May 30, 2009

Computers / Birthday / A Great Day

A fresh start today , Bob's Birthday with the accompanying food and good friends to hang with . The computer is all cleaned up and all the little annoying tasks associated with it are done . After an entire day of all the computer geekiness I could stand , I settled down on the deck and treated myself to a Shiner , watched the day end with it's usual magnificence , the sun slipped slowly behind the Chiricahuas and the light playing on the clouds became a light show a rock star would have been proud of . A quick review of the computer clean up , the geeky stuff was a pain in itself , I don't like doing it and have only learned to do the various tasks because I refuse to pay someone to do it for me . Hence , quite a few detours were made taking up time and for all I know setting a new precedent in computer maintainence . I'm sure there are system administrators out there just trembling at my skill ! The biggest item , believe it or not was dust ! Yep , plain old dust , we do have an abundance of said dust in New Mexico ! It gets into everything , keyboards , usb's , hard drives , any peripheral you may have and needless to say everything else in the trailer . A lot of time was spent just getting the fore mentioned items free of the dust . Then on to the drive clean up and straightening out the registry , running the spyware programs , etc. etc.I think it should run properly now , I sure hope so , the resulting head ache received from doing this small bit of insanity was a real winner !
Onward and upward  so the saying goes , today plans on some tall tales , good friends and lots of food . Another beautiful New Mexico day in the making , temps in the 80s , humidity in the teens and 20s a slight breeze , HOO YAH
Stay tuned ...


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