Having said that I cruise to My news gatherer of subjects that inform and amuse Me , currently I use Google Reader and I'm able to sift through the blogs and purveyors of information that offend Me the least .
Needless to say I find the blogs of RVrs and other motorheads and adventurers most interesting . One thing has started to puzzle Me , of all the RV blogs there is a constant thread of seeking freedom and leaving the complicated lifestyle behind . Then amazingly , here comes the big TV , Satellite this and that , Microwave , Dishwashers , Washer /Dryer , two or three computers , a seemingly never ending list of things that You just can't do without ! Even though they just spent enough money on their Freedom Rig to finance a small country , add some more can't do withouts on top and add more debt . It appears this is backward thinking , the idea of hitting the road is freedom not servitude .Why be a slave to the Bank or Credit Card?
I don't fault those who want their creature comforts , I do find it absurd that some one has spent a lot of money to be independent pulls in to a campground and is snotty about not having everything just perfect . Oh My ! The spot that was picked doesn't pick up the Satellite or paved and perfectly level , the space is too small for all the stuff you wanted to drag out and set up so it would be just like what you left at the big house back home . Sorry , I find it hard to empathize with you .
I've been criticized because I bought my thirty year old Minnie Winnie , and that"s OK , it's paid for and I can do most of the maintenance / repairs it needs myself . Does it have all the bells and whistles ? Nope , it runs well is watertight , it works for me and allows me to escape , or, it gives me freedom ! I've read of places that don't accept RVs of a certain age , and I've experienced being turned away because I was riding a motorcycle . Way back in the late 60's and early 70's I was even shunned / discriminated against because I wore a uniform of the United States Military , what a treat that was !
Point being do what makes you happy , but please don't whine about the consequences of your own actions , tell me about the Good Times and the cool places you've visited . Most of all be free and enjoy life !
By the way the picture of the BSA ? Not mine , belongs to a wizard friend of mine . I just thought it looked cool!
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