Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Avoiding the plague / doing chores and a small rant

Da Flu boss , Da Flu !!! What lunatic stepped on the panic button this time ? For those of you who are remotely interested in my well being , NO FLU in Rodeo , there are no reports of any along the border , seems to be concentrated in urban areas . This is probably too wide open an area for the little bugs to congregate , if someone coughs on me I'll let you know , yesterday I saw all of about 8 people , all of them far healthier than me
A trip to Animas Mercantile yesterday netted me the spikes , washers and screws to assemble the outdoor table and secure the carpet outside the door step . While I was over there , took the opportunity to take a picture of the " phone booth " or where I can get a cell phone signal . A couple of other shots to show the country around Animas . Included in my gallery are a couple of business cards of local business that I frequent , they are not an endorsment , they work for me and are nice folks . The natural foods store saves me a lot of trips to points further away , they have a good selection of soft drinks , juices and even various coffee and tea . Need a pack of buffalo burger ? They have it , along with a bunch of other items to keep your tummy
happy !
The Rodeo grocery falls in the same category , a little bit of everything , gas , groceries , advice and a sandwich if you don't want to drive to Portal for something to eat . They also have a big parking lot where you can see some of the biggest loads you can imagine on a semi ! Just waiting for the right time to move on across the country . The Ice Raod Truckers have nothing on these guys , monster loads moving on public highways , they follow a strict set of regulations but are still VERY impressive to see !
Today , I believe more camp chores are in order , I need to lay out an area to make a small deck for the outdoor kitchen , set up a wind break for a grass growing experiment and then go check on the garden to see if the rabbits / gophers have left me anything to work with . That should do it !
Now for the small rant : Yesterday while visiting Bob in the office [ where the TV is ] I happened to catch this Glenn Beck on his program . While in the past I have watched this guy , I caution all of you Things are not what they seem ! If you go and do a little research on this fear monger / carpet bagger , you may change your estimation of him . Remember he, like all the other pundits on that evil instrument of ballyhooism are there for one thing ! TO MAKE MONEY ! Nothing wrong with making money either , just don't play on people's fears and naivete to do it . In other words tell the truth as it is , not as how you can sell it . I make no secret of the fact I detest most of TV's fear mongers whether they be Liberal or Conservative , if you play on other people and exploit their weakness , shame on you ! Much the same way as I feel about those who abuse children or animals , someday , somewhere you have to pay the price for being what you are !
Not that, this  will do much good , but I feel better . Go ahead and check it out for yourself , don't take my word for it !
Now for the pictures ...The phone booth


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