Yesterday it was needed to move across the park . A new spot was available for me and will help me out in the long run , being semi-permanent I want toset things outside and get my outdoor kitchen in place and be able to plant a few things. needless to say Rusty was all about the planting , even got out the seed catalogs and made some suggestions , seems she would like to try some different plants and shrubs to beautify the landscape and is willing to pay for the plants if I take care of them ! Sounds like a plan to me ! The move itself proved to be about all I could handle in one day , the hooking up / packing up and unhooking unpacking just about kicked my ass .
The up and down / in and out of the van and trailer beat me up . I guess there are folks full timimg that do this every day or so , my hats off to them ! With the Azad , I just unhooked the water , sewer , and unplugged the electric and took off , with the trailer it's load everything up tie it down , make sure everything won't move too much and then hook to the van which by myself is a challenge . Although , I like the part where I can take off and go once I'm setup , the idea of hooking and unhooking is not what I had in mind for a relaxing way to live
I think I'll just stay here for awhile , say a year or two , see if I like it .
Just looked out the door and a couple of the big class A forty footers with toweds are leaving , while I'm sure they are luxurious living quarters , the idea of owing that much money terrifies me ! I doubt they are any happier or content than me , quite possibly I'm doing better , to paraphrase the Beach Boys from their song 409 " and there's one more thing I GOT THE PINK SLPS BABY " . It feels pretty good to have almost everthing you own paid for , part of my simplifying my life project . I may not have much money , but I damn sure got it made ! Now that the move and setting up is done I can relax again , will return to important things like listening to the mountains breathe , watch the dust devils play across the valley and wait for sundown , maybe have a Shiner Bock to celebrate making it through a beautiful New Mexico day .
Stay tuned ....
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